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Freeviewer's Assistant formally the wdy1.jpg (911945 bytes)One Eye Stereoscope

This is a one-eye stereoscope.  It works by using a set of front surface mirrors to superimpose the left image onto the right for easy viewing.  It takes a little time to master but the results are well worth it.  It can be used on any variety of side by side (Parallel def) formats as well as being the one of the only viewers of its type that can view an over/under (Viewmagic type) stereoview (to view over/under use the viewer like a periscope).  It also is used for cross eyed viewing.  Being a mirrored lensless viewer it has no focal length so it can be used for any size image.  It also comes with a an opening cover for protection of the optical element. 

You can get an adjustable headstrap for long term or hands free use.  To use it for over/under pairs simply orientate it in the vertical position.  Use without the headstrap for a portable viewer that will fit in your pocket or purse!  

1i One Eye Stereoscope $19.95
1h Optional Handle (this is a small screwdriver head handle that will help if you handhold this) $5.00
1he Headstrap for 1i $9.95

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Berezin Stereo Photography Products 21686 Abedul,  Mission Viejo, CA 92691 USA  (949) 215-1556 or 1554 We accept PayPal! 

Please contact us with questions or comments about this web site. All content, unless otherwise noted ©2022  Berezin Stereo Photography Products