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Folding Medium Format Slide, Stereo print and Ipod (or smartphone viewer) Viewer

The M3D

This versatile viewer comes with 12 views of landscapes, animals... and will work with views you create, parallel views from an Ipod or other smartphone or Medium format slides that such as those mounted in our medium format slide mounts.  

You will have to find a way to secure your device (Velcro or other mounting method).

Folds flat for easy mailing.  

M3D M3D Viewer  $11.95


m3d.jpg (42814 bytes)
m3dwithcards.jpg (64069 bytes)  



Medium format black cardboard stereo slide mounts

This mount dimension (132mm x 80mm) has an aperture for 5 x 5 cm medium format slides shot either with a medium format stereo camera (Sputnik, 3D World, Holga...) or twin medium format cameras.  The apertures are 50mm x 50mm spaced 62mm apart. The overall dimension of the folded mount is 132mm x 80mm.  These are heavy weight black cardstock.   361B.jpg (1646820 bytes) medformatmount.jpg (815157 bytes)
361B Black cardboard Medium Format Mounts (Qty. 10) $9.95


Dual Format Slide Cutter

Use to this to cut roll slide film into accurate frames. The film formats of most stereo cameras, while using conventional 35mm slide film do not have conventional (8p) slide formats.  Most are smaller.  This necessitates that one must have the film processed without cutting or mounting.  At this point the film must be cut and mounted by the photographer.  This is a guillotine style cutter and while non-illuminated can be placed on a light box for illuminated use.  Our model model which handles both medium format (120 or 220) and 35mm film.

264M Dual Format Slide Cutter 29.95

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Berezin Stereo Photography Products 21686 Abedul,  Mission Viejo, CA 92691 USA  (949) 215-1556 or 1554 We accept PayPal! 

Please contact us with questions or comments about this web site. All content, unless otherwise noted ©2022  Berezin Stereo Photography Products