Supersharp Viewer Pinsharp ViewerThe SuperSharp 2 x 2 Stereo Slide ViewerThe most affordable achromatic 2 x 2 viewer.
Like other 2 x 2 viewers (also known as twinned format, 50mm x 50mm) the SuperSharp is designed to be used with 2 35mm slides shot with either one 35mm camera (shifting with either the cha cha method or a slide bar), a twin camera (two monoscopic cameras paired), or a full frame stereo camera such as the RBT. With this viewer, the two separate 'conventional' slides can then be viewed with no special mounting for the film necessary. Alternatively have the pairs made from the Fuji W3 Stereo camera (or any digital stereo pair) made into slides (places such as will do this) and view them with this! Boris Starosta, renowned 3D photographer (winner of the PSA gold - Best of Show award at the 1999 Hollywood Exhibition) said of the viewer, I've been looking for an affordable improvement on the Pinsharp for over a year - until now without success. Seems the next step up has been in the several hundred dollar range at least. Too much for me. So you can imagine my happiness with this little viewer, after so long a wait. This little viewer is just right. Very affordable, simple, efficient, perfect for everyday use.
Pinsharp Stereo Viewer
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] Berezin Stereo Photography Products 21686 Abedul, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 USA (949) 215-1556 or 1554 We accept PayPal! Please contact us with questions or comments about this web site. All content, unless otherwise noted ©2022 Berezin Stereo Photography Products |