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Plastic Stereo Card Viewer (Lorgnette) 

Owl Lite 3D Lorgnette

3D Lorgnette with replaceable lensCapture.JPG (31356 bytes)

Tired of throwing away your 3D Lorgnettes because they are getting grungy.  Here is an environmentally sensitive solution, throw away only the lens and not the body or the lorgnette.  We offer this solution which works for stereo pairs up to around 6 inches total.  This is the kind seen in journals such as the ISU's Stereoscopy and the British Stereoscopy Society Journal.  

The viewer also has a hole for adding a chain or other anti-theft device making it ideal for some museum application.  We can quote on adding a chain if needed.  

The focal length of the lenses are approximately 7 inches. 

A pair of lenses.

516 3D Lorgnette including lens $8.95
506 3D Lorgnette Lens Replacement $1.65
512 3D Lorgnette Lens Replacement 10 pack $11.95

Owl Lite

The Owl Lite is so small, thin and light that it can be slipped into a pocket or worn round the neck with a cord so that it is always at hand.

It can be used to view modern or vintage stereocards, stereo illustrations in books and magazines but also 3-D videos and even VR content on your smartphone.We also offer it with steampunk styling.   

Lite-Owl-03.jpg (67705 bytes)

OWLITE Owl Lite Viewer  $8.95
OWLSP Owl Lite Steampunk Viewer $13.95
OWLITE.jpg (240420 bytes)


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Berezin Stereo Photography Products 21686 Abedul,  Mission Viejo, CA 92691 USA  (949) 215-1556 or 1554 We accept PayPal! 

Please contact us with questions or comments about this web site. All content, unless otherwise noted ©2022  Berezin Stereo Photography Products