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Gepe 35mm Slide MountsClick for larger image.

Take the GEPE glass slide mount advantage.  Your slide is protected against pollution, dust, fingerprints and scratches. The air exchange system enables the slide to «breathe» which helps to eliminate bacterium and Newton rings.

The Anti-Newton glass prevents Newton rings.  The enclosed glass  mount prevents penetration of dust. The slide is safely held in place with the clips of the metal-mask (illustration).

During the projection The slide stays absolutely flat to ensure a focused projection of the whole image. (see illustration) The edges of the metal-mask ensures absolutely sharp edges around the image.

Quality of selected materialsClick for larger image.

Since only High grade plastic with a temperature resistance of up to 100 °C (212 °F) is used, a longer projection without the risk of damage to the mount is possible. Solid construction with two inter-locking halves ensures perfect stability of the mount.

These are all 2 mm thick and fit all Standard and DIN slide trays & 80 round trays.  They will not fit 140 slide trays!

Click for larger image. No. 6801 (21 x 28mm): $14.95 for box of 20.  A good choice where both vertical and horizontal cropping is necessary. Can also provide image height cropping of European format stereo slides.

Click for larger image. No. 6802 (24 x 32mm): $14.95 for box of 20.  This mount is 4mm narrower than full-frame 35mm making it a perfect solution where slight width cropping is necessary. This allows for mounting compensation when parallel convergence settings are used exclusively.

GEPE (18 x 24mm +18 x 24mm) Beamsplitter Slide Mountsgepeslidemount.gif (29096 bytes)

These slide mounts work with the viewers made for the Pentax, Russian, Stereo-Tach  and Stitz Beamsplitters.  They will take slides made from the beamsplitters or other 1/4 frame stereo (Nimslo, Imagetech) so they can be viewed in the viewers.  They are glass enclosed for protection of your slides and allow for maximum image adjustment. (Only one box left!)

2234 GEPE (18 x 24mm +18 x 24mm) Beamsplitter Slide Mounts, Box of 20 $14.95

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Berezin Stereo Photography Products 21686 Abedul,  Mission Viejo, CA 92691 USA  (949) 215-1556 or 1554 We accept PayPal! 

Please contact us with questions or comments about this web site. All content, unless otherwise noted ©2022  Berezin Stereo Photography Products