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Vivitar Crosseyed 3D Viewer

This is a rare cross-eyed viewer that can view 3D images in the cross-eyed format.  Cross-eyed viewing is a method of free-viewing stereo pairs where the left eye image is placed on the right side of a stereo pair and the right eye image is placed on the left side.  It is generally believed to be easier to learn than the parallel method and can be done with substantially larger images.  However, it cannot be used on most stereo cards since they are printed in parallel format. On some sites images are made in a cross-eyed format.  This is where this viewer comes in handy.  The back of the viewer comes off and it can be used for cross-eyed viewing for people who cannot view the images using other methods.  

3D-viewer.gif (43850 bytes)
Viewer Specifications
Viewing print sizes Standard 3R (3.5 X 5 ") or 4R (4 X 6")prints
Viewer size  135(W) X 152(H) X 63 (D)
Viewer weight 152grams/6 oz.
Folding 3D viewer also stores photos.

Fun Fact!!!- The back of the viewer can be removed for viewing stereo cross eyed pairs on computer monitors!

100V Cross eyed Viewer SORRY DISCONTINUED

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Berezin Stereo Photography Products 21686 Abedul,  Mission Viejo, CA 92691 USA  (949) 215-1556 or 1554 We accept PayPal! 

Please contact us with questions or comments about this web site. All content, unless otherwise noted ©2022  Berezin Stereo Photography Products